2022- Labor Day weekend live music event

We had a blast at National night out this year. Thanks to everyone who came to enjoy some pizza and friendly canon ball competition.
Great Weather for a dip in the glistening water!
We had an amazing day! Morning Parade, lunch served by Knights of Columbus, live music and swimming on a beautiful weather day.
Hopefully all the Fathers felt the love at our live music event at the pool. Thank you Savannah Steve and all that came out to celebrate. Great time!
Thank you to everyone who attended the Memorial Day weekend music event. Matt Hill was amazing! Message me pictures on Facebook if you want to share.
We had a very successful pool opening and cookout on Saturday, May 21. The Knights of Columbus (KofC) cooked some amazing hamburgers and hotdogs while the sun glistened off the beautiful pool water. The sounds of laughter and splashing water
We had a blast at the WP ice cream social! Thanks to all that came out. We had an amazingly fun time! Thank you Jenni’s Treats on the Street for another successful partnership!
Thank you to everyone for sharing the spirit of the Season.
The 2nd Halloween Parade was so amazing.