Our new process is that Residents and Nonresident Pool members use the ticketing system on our website after logging in instead of using the contact us or the info email.
If you are a resident of Wilmington Park and if you have already created an account, please login and submit a Ticket to make your request for information, Dock Cards, Pay current dues, purchase a pool membership, or ask any questions.
If you do not have a resident account yet, Please go to https://wilmingtonpark.org/resident-registration/ to register for your resident portal.
All nonresident pool members should also create an account https://wilmingtonpark.org/pool-member-registration/
or log into their account to make inquiries or purchase a pool membership.
If none of this applies to you, please continue on to use our contact us page.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to make our website the one stop for all resident and pool members. www.wilmingtonpark.org
Your Board, Wilmington Park Homes Association
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